MMS Friends

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Interlude: what a great name for an album

Sometimes I hear something which is a great phrase, but wouldn't really be suitable for a band name. In some cases I think they would sound really good as the title of an album.

Here is a small collection of them:

Don't Tell Him Pike

The most famous line from any episode of Dad's Army, and a strong candidate for funniest line in any sit-com ever. Good album name for a quintessentially English band. British Sea Power, Thousand Yard Stare, Squeeze, somone like that.


Actually I didn't come across this phrase. I saw a picture of a wind turbine and it just popped into my head, along with 'Windfarmer Giles'. Maybe suitable for a Radiohead album.

Vintage Bintage

Heard on Radio 1 on (of course) the Chris Moyles show. They had a phone call from an 'older woman' and referred to her as 'old tottie' and 'vintage bintage'. It might scrape through as a band name, but maybe better as an album. By Goldie Looking Chain. Or as a title for a Best of Sailor CD.
(By the way, the woman was only 37. As a 43-year old I don't consider that 'vintage'!)

Here Comes The Science

From those naff shampoo adverts with Jennifer Aniston. Ideal name for a Coldplay album.

Intelligent Design

This is the new name which creationists have for creationism, so that people don't realise that it is creationism which fundamentalists want to teach instead of Darwinian evolution in American schools. At the very lest they want it presented as one of several theories, given equal weight.
Whoever came up with the idea didn't realise that they were also coming up with a decent name for a Manic Steet Preachers album.


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