Sunday, August 20, 2006


Pramface is a term either invented by, or made popular by Popbitch, the celebrity gossip site. According to the Urban Dictionary it means:

"A woman who looks so young she ought to be pushing a pram around a council estate in the shittiest part of town."
But that doesn't seem quite right. It always seemed to me to mean a young girl looking old beyond her years, probably through having a child at a young age. Anyway, its a term a bit like "chav" - patronising and a way for the middle classes to denigrate the working classes who they just see as an amorphous mass of council house-dwelling, tracksuit-wearing single mothers.

Despite that, its still a great name for a band.

I think that Pramface would be similar in style to Hard-fi, the Arctic Monkeys, The Ordinary Boys or one of those other back-to-basics new guitar bands. They would be gritty, ironic and young.


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